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VERSO LA BANCAROTTA: C?e? un BUCO di 20-25 miliardi nei conti pubblici; nuova MANOVRA

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    filotto, sui giornali in questo periodo c'e' da parlare del trota, della belen e della rubentus... cosa vuoi che freghi al pubblico di cio' che succedera'?

    perche' avvertire il mulo prima di piazzarli il peperoncino al culo?... cosi' magari si prepara il calcio? enno', son mica scemi sti professori, hanno studiato alla bocconi... ti dicono "guarda un po' la" e PAFFF!!! "sorpresina"...


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      i professori fanno i conti, monti essendo (stato) nella trilaterale fa i conti ma li fa con riserve. chiaramente non tocca seriamente le transazioni finanziarie, ma tassa le rendite finanziarie. e quando parla con la mercozza checch? ne dicano non le parla da pari a pari. poi stigatti, finch? danno una mano alle aziende affinch? dislochino siamo a posto. e poi si chiedono perch? l'economia non gira e ci sono "tensioni sociali".

      aggiungo a quanto detto da larsen.. ci stanno togliendo tutto e veramente in pochi manifestano il proprio dissenso. chi lo fa pacificamente viene bollato come sovversivo o nemico dello stato, per colpa di 4 pirli. per decenni ci han lasciato il cervello in formaldeide. se invece togliessero il calcio ci sarebbe la rivoluzione. a posto cos?, dai


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        Originally posted by Factory View Post
        secondo te chi vuole un Presidente che conosca e rispetti la Costituzione e uno fissato nelle cospirazioni? Che ritenga che la politica estera degli USA degli ultimi decenni sia stata condotta solo negli interessi dell?apparato militar industriale - ed i fatti gli hanno dato ragione sinora?

        Ti pongo una domanda allora - quante informazioni stanno uscendo fuori sui media main stream rispetto alle vittorie (delegates non strawpoll) di RP in svariati stati?

        Da 0 a pochissime - perche? l?establishment del GOP (e non solo) non vuole che RP venga a rompergli le uova nel paniere.

        Eppure e tutto li alla luce del sole se uno volesse la verita?
        Guarda, Ron Paul ha alcune idee che a me piacciono molto e non da ora ma da anni, prima che diventasse l'idolo dei cospiratori di ogni genere.
        Ma e' un pazzo lunatico che sosteneva che il sudafrica dovesse passare attraverso un olocausto per creare uno stato bianco, che gli stati uniti dovevano fare la stessa cosa, che la CIA e' il principale distributore di droghe negli USA, per non parlare delle sue insensate posizioni sulla amministrazione della giustizia e del governo in genere.

        C'e' uan ragione per la quale non sara' eletto e non e' colpa degli illuminati, di Goldman Sachs, della casta o qualsiasi cosa vogliate chiamarla...

        Di sicuro io lo metterei agli esteri, cosi' ci liberiamo di quel tumore che e' la relazione USA-Israele.


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          Quindi, parrebbe di capire, che il governo ha visto un nuovo buco, e lo vuole tappare ...

          ... a me viene una certa idea di chi sia il buco che vogliono tappare, e mi sa che ci riguarda tutti ....

          Monti ? coerente: ha promesso che il suo ideale ? la fantastica situazione greca, dove finalmente c'? la vittoria dell'euro sulla gente, e l? ci porta.

          Ha anche detto che ci sono delle inevitabili "conseguenze umane", quindi ? preparato anche ai suicidi, e a quelli di massa.

          Non chiedetegli perch?, lui esegue il komando, non conosce piet? n? paura, non si ferma e non si fermer? mai, il suo chip ? programmato per lo sterminio economico e non avr? pace fino a che non lo avr? portato a termine.

          Unica cosa da chiedergli sarebbe di applicare l'eutanasia per l'Italia: anzich? questa lenta agonia, dove loro - i tecnici - si accorgono che hanno fatto, tanto per cambiare - vedi esodati - male i conti, e non si sono accorti di altri buchi in bilancio, ecco, allora dovrebbe fare una bella eutanasia per l'economia italiana. L'iva dal 21 al 23 ? da scarsi, da dilettanti, metta, che so, l'iva al 50%, la benzina a 5 euro al litro, chiuda una ventina di ospedali di quelli grandi, e poi dia l'appalto a una ditta specializzata nella rimozione cadaveri dei suicidati dalle strade, dagli alberi, nelle cantine, ecc. ecc.

          Vai Marione, facci vede' chi sei !


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            Era logico che senza misure per la crescita che riportassero ai consumi il regime puramente fiscale avrebbe fatto buchi, ma sinceramente credvo che sarebbero stati minori...

            ... devo dire che mi sorprende la mancata "visione" che stanno dimostrando...

            ... se non arrivano le VERE riforme siamo fottuti, anche perch? queste tasse ormai non ce le leva nessuno.


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              scusate ma la devo ripostare....


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                Originally posted by MiKiFF View Post
                Era logico che senza misure per la crescita che riportassero ai consumi il regime puramente fiscale avrebbe fatto buchi, ma sinceramente credvo che sarebbero stati minori...

                ... devo dire che mi sorprende la mancata "visione" che stanno dimostrando...

                ... se non arrivano le VERE riforme siamo fottuti, anche perch? queste tasse ormai non ce le leva nessuno.

                siete fottuti....


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                  Originally posted by Foglio View Post
                  Credo ci sia di mezzo la crisi per?... Non credo sia esclusivamente colpa del suo governo... Anche perch? di cose buone mi pare ne abbia fatte...
                  mi fai un esempio reale?

                  guantanamo? ? ancora aperta

                  politica estera pi? "pacifista"? gi?, peccato che in pakistan ricevano confetti americani un giorno si e l'altro pure (ma i media nostrani tutto ci? non lo dicono per non rovinare la reputazione del NOBEL PER LA PACE)

                  rilancio economico? certo, se cominciassimo a stampare anche noi moneta al loro ritmo altro che debito pubblico..

                  sanit?? mmm.. si, sanit? pubblica. ma quando mai?

                  veramente, mi sforzo di capire, cosa ha fatto di buono questo presidente iper inflazionato sui media, presentato come salvatore della patria? ha salvato l'automobile..? beh veramente ha permesso a marchionne di saccheggiare la chrysler. altro non mi viene in mente.


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                    + spudorati di cos? ..

                    ?Monti pu? restare nella Trilateral e nei Bilderberg?
                    09/05/2012 - La decisione dell'Antitrust sulle cariche del premier

                    “Monti pu? restare nella Trilateral e nei Bilderberg”


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                      Originally posted by Vulture View Post
                      mi fai un esempio reale?

                      guantanamo? ? ancora aperta

                      politica estera pi? "pacifista"? gi?, peccato che in pakistan ricevano confetti americani un giorno si e l'altro pure (ma i media nostrani tutto ci? non lo dicono per non rovinare la reputazione del NOBEL PER LA PACE)

                      rilancio economico? certo, se cominciassimo a stampare anche noi moneta al loro ritmo altro che debito pubblico..

                      sanit?? mmm.. si, sanit? pubblica. ma quando mai?

                      veramente, mi sforzo di capire, cosa ha fatto di buono questo presidente iper inflazionato sui media, presentato come salvatore della patria? ha salvato l'automobile..? beh veramente ha permesso a marchionne di saccheggiare la chrysler. altro non mi viene in mente.
                      10 Big Goals for Obama's First 1460 Days, as Proposed by Progressive Policy Leaders

                      Based on his 2008 campaign and 2009 exigencies, President Obama's mandate includes two huge and imminent priorities -- an unprecedented "stimulus" to revive the economy and a plan that gets us out of Iraq.

                      And then?

                      Eighteen months ago, John Podesta, head of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, and I agreed to collaborate on a volume that gathered together the best progressive scholars, advocates, and experts to specifically describe agency-by-agency what a progressive 44th president could do on Day One, Year One, Term One. Then, of course, John had to recuse himself in August after he was tapped to run Obama's official transition -- and this month CAPAF and my New Democracy published the results -- progressive leaders pooling their best ideas and practices into a program we call:

                      "Progressive Patriotism."

                      As Obama prepares to take his oath, expectations are sky-high. Rightly so. The planets appear to be in alignment for a possible political realignment: Obama won by triple Bush's last margin; conservative stock is at Lehman Bros. levels, after a preventive war of choice, a deregulated economic meltdown and the conservative compassion of Katrina; Democrats now enjoy a 10 percentage point edge in voter registration, which is likely to grow given minority, youth and suburban professional trends; Democrats appear more united than anytime in recent memory, with no obvious DLC-Moveon fights over wars or deficits; and there's an authentic crisis that trumps pious platitudes about the free market and "family values."

                      Now, rather than stale left-right debates, there's a new mainstream for more progressive values, as surely represented by the shift of 13 U.S. Senate seats and 54 House seats over two congressional elections. This may not be 1932 but it's a bigger attitudinal shift than the one in 1980 to Reagan and "Reagan Democrats," when National Review publisher Bill Rusher prematurely gloated that "liberalism is dead."

                      Anticipating this shift, our Citizens Transition Project developed scores of workable solutions built on four cornerstones: more democracy, diplomacy, economic opportunity and green collar jobs. Since ad hoc policy-making can peter out unless the public sees changes being thematically interconnected -- like the "New Deal" -- we linked proposals to these core values of Progressive Patriotism. Especially after what Jared Bernstein called the failure of Yo-Yo Conservatism ("You're on Your Own"), what could be more pro-American than the idea of progress?

                      Hence these 10 Big Goals by 2012 or 2016. For if you don't know where you're headed, you'll never get there.

                      Some stipulations: given space constraints, ideas are merely asserted -- for more development, one can go to the chapters by the authors themselves in Change for America. If proposals sound familiar, it's perhaps because a) they've been rising for years and become a consensus agenda, and b) so many of the authors have been recruited into the Transition and/or new Administration (Podesta, Carol Browner, Greg Craig, Elena Kagan, Dawn Johnsen, Josh Steiner, Van Jones, Jack Lew, Jeanne Lambrew, Christopher Edley, Jr....).

                      Nor do we think it useful for Democrats to fret whether it would be better for the new President to be more incremental than bold. One reply is-- the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Frankly, where's the political will or majority now to stop an Obama initiative? And where is it written this moment will last? The only two other progressive windows of opportunity this past century-- 1933 and 1965 -- ended, respectively, with the continuing Depression and WWII, and Watts and the Vietnam War. Going slow risks some unanticipated event that'll snuff out the current rational exhuberance. Combining Obama's 65% popularity, congressional majorities, a supportive public, a winning program -- as well as crisis demanding that Washington rise to the occasion -- why not throw long? Again and again?

                      President Obama should be guided by the well known ethic, "Make no small plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood." Often wrongly attributed to Winston Churchill, this observation originated with Daniel Hudson Burnham, the noted Chicago architect who designed the 1893 World Exposition and before that helped rebuild the Windy City after its disastrous 1871 fire. So history repeats itself, as another Chicagoan makes big plans to rebuild after Bush's consuming disasters.

                      1. Reduce poverty a third by 2016. With poverty increasing by five million in the Bush years - and with only Great Britain having less upward income mobility than the U.S - the country needs to reduce the 37 million indigent (nearly equal to the State of California) by a third by 2016.

                      So the 44th president should strive to: increase the bi-partisan Earned Income Tax Credit; raise and index the minimum wage and move toward a "living wage"; better link inner-city residents to good jobs in the regional economy; create a national program to help ex-offenders successfully integrate into society; seek a temporary increase in food stamp benefits as part of any stimulus package (since $1 in benefits generates $1.84 in economic activity); make a national commitment to pre-K for all as part of an overall system of developmental care for children; establish a national version of the very successful Harlem Children's Zone, an after-school program that stays with children through their education; and make a renewed effort at bi-partisan, comprehensive immigration reform so one in 20 undocumented workers get out of the shadows by paying taxes and fines and learning English on the path to citizenship.

                      2. Enhance Democracy to stop special interest vetoes. Pro-democracy reforms often take a back seat - in campaigns and governance - to bread-and-butter, life-and-death issues such as economy, war and health. But process is policy, especially if a flawed democracy allows big commercial interests in the legislative and administrative arenas to stymie change.

                      So the new administration should push for: universal voter regulation (adding up to 50 million to the rolls); matching public funding of congressional elections; protective measures for electronic voting; criminalization of voter suppression techniques; national standards in a Fair Elections Now Act; instant run-off voting; a requirement that all agencies catalogue and post all information in a timely and feasible way; a comprehensive national broadband strategy so all Americans have access to an affordable network of at least 100 megabits per second; national standards to give state redistricting responsibilities to a neutral body - and ideally establish a "Democracy Czar" within the White House to make sure that all such often-ignored reforms are this time advanced and enacted.

                      3. Get economic growth rates back to at least 3% of the Kennedy and Clinton years. The world now understands how Bush's tax cutting, deregulation, laissez faire approach has led to slow growth, no growth or near economic collapse. From Enron to e Coli Bacteria to imported Chinese toys and drugs to the subprime mortgage criss, it turns out that laissez wasn't fair.

                      So even beyond the consensus for a super-sized "stimulus" plan, the new president should do everything feasible to bolster the squeezed middle-class and those seeking to enter it by: pushing for tax reform that increases top rates back to 38 percent while reducing rates on families suffering real income losses this decade; proposing an Innovation Agenda involving Research Fellowships and employment-based permanent immigration visas; including enforceable labor and trade standards in all future trade agreements; experimenting with wage-loss insurance; developing a long-term national surface transportation policy emphasizing light-rail and a national infrastructure bank; expanding one-stop job centers especially given rapidly rising unemployment as places to both obtain training and get placement in available positions; creating a 90 day moratorium on home foreclosures; and restoring enforcement of securities, anti-merger and labor laws at the SEC, Justice Department and Labor Department.

                      4. Move to a clean, green low-carbon economy. With a scientific unanimity that an increase of even 2˚ C above pre-industrial levels would be a global disaster, it's surely inadequate for a country with 3 percent of human oil reserves using 25 percent of all energy to focus on drilling and production. Yet while man-made global warming was burning the planet in the past eight years, two oil men in the White House simply fiddled away.

                      So the new president will be creating a new White House National Energy Council that directs his energy/environment agencies (EPA, DOE, DOT, DOA, DOI) to develop a comprehensive energy plan that a) replaces carbon-based energy with clean, renewable energy and b) promotes policies for millions of green collar jobs. Consistent with that effort, the 44th president should: alter the government's procurement process by giving "energy points" to contract bidders who demonstrate more efficiency and utilize more renewable energy; establish a national Clean Energy Corps to help cities and neglected rural communities retrofit and weatherize homes, business, school houses and public buildings; require the EPA to promote "total appliance efficiency"; increase auto fuel efficiency standards to European levels of 43 mpg by 2020; pursue a joint R&D project with China to develop new carbon capture-and-storage technologies for coal-fired plants; and prepare legislation to create a carbon cap-and-trade bill reducing fossil fuel use and generating $100 billion+ to mitigate negative effects on low-income consumers.

                      5. Reduce the costs - and expand the coverage - of health care. Over 70 million Americans are either uninsured or under-insured, leading to more illness, death and overtaxed emergency rooms. We have both the most expensive and least effective health care system in the industrialized world.

                      So the new administration should: expand coverage of S-CHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) to cover all children in need; create a Prevention & Wellness Trust Fund to provide more preventative services for long term cost savings; order the FDA to focus on and reduce obesity and tobacco use by adolescents; invest in health care information technology to avoid medical errors and better spread effective research; investigate the causes of racial disparities in health care and mandate that HHS reduce them; provide better long-term care through assisted living technology to allow home monitoring, as well as more community health workers and home health aides; require the Surgeon General to issue annually a publicly understandable report on the nation's health; and eventually move to a universal healthcare system that's citizen-based, not job-based.

                      6. Elevate science over politics in federal decision-making. While most presidents will weigh facts which lead to conclusions, Bush deployed the reverse methodology of "Lysenkoism" - conclusions led to "facts." Repeatedly, political appointees from affected industries ignored data because of partisan or religious concerns, especially in the area of climate change.

                      So the new administration should: issue an executive order to permit federal funding for embryonic stem cell research on all ethically derived stem cell lines; re-establish the White House Office of Science and Technology; make the Research and Development tax credit permanent; and appoint only qualified experts, not industry cronies, to science-related positions.

                      7. Restore the rule of law and human rights as American values. Constitutional scholar David Cole, challenging friends to name constitutional rights that Bush-Cheney didn't try to sabotage, concluded, "After the right to bear arms and not quarter soldiers, the game will be over." Apparently, when W swore to "faithfully execute the laws," he took it literally.

                      So a new president - who's a constitutional law professor to boot - should: pay a "decent respect for the opinions of mankind" (Jefferson) by closing the prison camp at Guant?namo and assigning to federal civilian courts the task of trying terrorist suspects; unequivocally ban the use of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment by any U.S. official or contractor; greatly restrict presidential "Signing Statements" to obviously unconstitutional provisions; renounce the blatant politicization of the Justice Department as occurred during Gonzalez's tenure, appoint judges based on merit, not only ideology; repeal the "Global Gag Rule" which prohibits Non- Governmental Organizations that receive federal funding from promoting or performing abortions in other countries; end the "don't-ask-don't tell" policy for military services and ban discrimination in the workplace due to sexual orientation; and create either a congressional or presidential independent, bi-partisan commission to investigate and expose alleged illegality over the past eight years in order to deter future misconduct--a government that can't impeach or prosecute such illegality for political reasons needs to find some way to deter such corruption.

                      8. Educate children better for the global economy. In an increasingly global economy based on information - and with production techniques duplicatable anywhere - education is the new gold. Unless our children are better educated and more innovative, they and we will lose out in a world of open trade.

                      So the new administration should: push expanded learning time for all students especially in low-performing and high-poverty school; expand Early Head Start because of the proven success of high-quality pre-school for all; invest particularly in middle schools with high concentrations of low-income students who, in a sense, start dropping out of college in the 7th grade; enact a college tuition tax credit so that middle-class families can write off up to $4,000 per child; create a federal "Grow What Works" fund to identify and document the best practices to be shared; pay more to teachers who assume added responsibilities or work in challenging schools or in a shortage subjects; and create a program that focuses on teacher recruitment, and preparation and professional development since the difference between a good and a bad teacher can be the equivalent of a full year of school.

                      9. Fight terrorism by working more cooperatively with allies. Terrorism by non-state actors is a palpable threat to American interests that cannot be diminished merely by invading countries or overreacting with apocalyptic, belligerent language. Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups have grown since the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.

                      A new president should utilize the patient deployment of all instruments of national power, emphasizing intelligence, information operations and covert action. Specifically, the U.S. should: repeal the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war and exit Iraq as quickly and as safely as possible; undermine al Qaeda recruitment by developing a counter-narrative for at-risk Muslim youth that impugns its reputation and enhances ours; schedule a major address on terrorism by the new President in a Muslim country; focus on regional diplomacy in the Middle East by engaging other states (Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt) in a conference to coordinate post-war Iraq policy; cooperate better with other intelligence agencies to treat terrorism as in part a police matter; and create a process of engagement between the U.S. and Iran both to discuss common interests and warn Teheran of the consequences of supporting terrorism and a nuclear weapons program.

                      10. Reduce nuclear proliferation. Because the greatest threat to America - economic threat and national security threat - is the detonation of a nuclear device in a major American city, a top priority for President Obama is to reduce that risk and to announce the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons.

                      So he specifically should: push to develop technologies allowing all air and sea cargo to be inspected by 2012; compile an inventory of all nuclear weapons and materials on earth to determine the best strategy of securing them from terrorist acquisitions; consider unilaterally announcing plans to reduce U.S. forces to 1000 weapons and extending the warning time for the launch of U.S. ballistic missiles, urging Russia to do the same; implement the agreement to end the North Korean nuclear program; prevent the lapse of the U.S. Russian Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START; and maintain the interlocking network of treaties, export controls and security pacts to discourage 183 non-nuclear states from starting a cycle of nuclear weapons competition.

                      These 10 are top goals now and benchmarks for 2012 or 2016 to measure the success of the new administration.

                      For America is on the brink of a possible new progressive era due to Obama's big win, big skills, a big crisis, the big popularity of reforms like expanded health care, pre-school programs and green-collar jobs, and a big agenda that's "shovel-ready." But there's one more element necessary for a real realignment to occur: citizens and citizen action.

                      January 20 is not only about one man who'll alone save us from conservative clutches -- or as one cheeky satirical website puts it, " (admission: this is my adult son's website). No president can go much farther than his constituency wants. Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin put it well in The American Prospect: "When you look at the periods of social change, in each instance the president used leadership not only to get the public involved in understanding what the problems were but to create a fervent desire to address these problems in a meaningful way." Recall here the oft-told story how Labor Secretary Francis Perkins was urging a sympathetic FDR to adopt labor reforms, and the politician- in-chief replied -- fine, now make me do it.

                      Fortunately, the decline of conservatism and advent of Barack Obama is occurring at the same time that there's a new on-line technology capable of harnessing citizen energy nearly cost-free to pressure for a program of Progressive Patriotism, much as the internet, social networks, and ardent bloggers helped lift Obama into office.

                      Then, if he and his base can credibly claim success by 2012 or 2016 in, say, 7 or more of these 10 goals -- especially health care and democracy -- President Obama will be regarded as a 21st Century FDR and credited with inspiring an era of positive progressive governance.

                      Mark Green: 10 Big Goals for Obama's First 1460 Days, as Proposed by Progressive Policy Leaders
                      Last edited by Foglio; 14-05-12, 07:41.


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                        foglio io ti parlo di fatti e tu mi rispondi con buoni propositi? non si stava parlando di quanto ha FATTO di buono? non mi puoi rispondere con un articolo che di fatto ? una campagna elettorale per le imminenti elezioni. ? da 4 anni alla casa bianca e in 4 anni di fatto non ha fatto una sega, a parte peggiorare il futuro economico dei suoi figli e proclamare il proprio consenso rispetto ai matrimoni omosessuali.

                        mi spieghi, dove, nell'articolo, ci sono le cose positive FATTE dall'amministrazione obama?


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                          Originally posted by Vulture View Post
                          foglio io ti parlo di fatti e tu mi rispondi con buoni propositi? non si stava parlando di quanto ha FATTO di buono? non mi puoi rispondere con un articolo che di fatto ? una campagna elettorale per le imminenti elezioni. ? da 4 anni alla casa bianca e in 4 anni di fatto non ha fatto una sega, a parte peggiorare il futuro economico dei suoi figli e proclamare il proprio consenso rispetto ai matrimoni omosessuali.

                          mi spieghi, dove, nell'articolo, ci sono le cose positive FATTE dall'amministrazione obama?
                          What the fuck has Obama done so far?

                          1. Saved the collapse of the American automotive industry by making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry

                          2. Shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along

                          3. Relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world

                          4. Signed order to close the prisoner ?torture camp? at Guantanamo Bay

                          5. Has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation

                          6. Has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part.

                          7. Won the Nobel Peace Prize

                          8. $789 billion economic stimulus plan

                          9. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

                          10. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles

                          11. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans

                          12. Renewed dialogue with NATO and other allies and partners on strategic issues.

                          13. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force? this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.

                          14. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops

                          15. ?Cash for clunkers? program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulates auto sales

                          16. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan

                          17. Closed offshore tax safe havens

                          18. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan

                          19. Ended media ?blackout? on war casualties; reporting full information

                          20. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts

                          21. . Ended media blackout on war casualties and the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB.

                          22. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules

                          23. Ended previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings

                          24. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports

                          25. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created 2.1 million jobs (as of 12/31/09).

                          26. Ended previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions

                          27. Ended previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back

                          28. Ended previous policy on torture; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards

                          29. . Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, an unprecedented step to provide transparency and accountability through technology.

                          30. Ended previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry?s predatory practices

                          31. Ended previous ?stop-loss? policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

                          32. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources

                          33. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient

                          34. Established a new cyber security office

                          35. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

                          36. Expanding vaccination programs

                          37. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses

                          38. . Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to America?s Veterans.

                          39. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research

                          40. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools

                          41. Responded with compassion and leadership to the earthquake in Haiti

                          42. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters

                          43. . Launched ? enabling conversation and online collaboration between small business owners, government representatives and industry experts in discussion forums relevant to starting and managing a business. Great for the economy.

                          44. Improved housing for military personnel

                          45. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals

                          46. Changed failing war strategy in Afghanistan.

                          47. Improving benefits for veterans

                          48. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants?) after years of neglect

                          49. Donated his $1.4 million Nobel Prize to nonprofits.

                          50. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program

                          51. Provided tax credits to first-time home buyers through the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 to revitalize the U.S. housing market.

                          52. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel

                          53. Increasing student loans

                          54. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return ?home? to visit loved ones

                          55. Cracked down on companies that deny sick pay, vacation and health insurance to workers by abusing the employee classification of independent contractor. Such companies also avoid paying Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance taxes for those workers.

                          56. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000

                          57. Limits on lobbyists? access to the White House

                          58. Protected 300,000 education jobs, such as teachers, principals, librarians, and counselors through the Recovery Act that would have otherwise been lost.

                          59. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration

                          60. Children?s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act on February 4, 2009, provides quality health care to 11 million kids ? 4 million who were previously uninsured.

                          61. Lower drug costs for seniors

                          62. Making more loans available to small businesses

                          63. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration

                          64. . Signed the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act, the first piece of comprehensive legislation aimed at improving the lives of Americans living with paralysis

                          65. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans

                          66. Announced creation of a Joint Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record for members of the U.S. Armed Forces to improve quality of medical care.

                          67. New federal funding for science and research labs

                          68. New funds for school construction

                          69. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending

                          70. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices

                          71. . Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals.

                          72. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren?t even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan

                          73. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

                          74. Provided tax credit to workers thus cutting taxes for 95% of America's working families.

                          75. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic

                          76. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research

                          77. . Helped reverse a downward spiral of the stock market. On January 19, 2009, the last day of President Bush's presidency, the Dow closed at 8,218.22. In February 2010, the Dow closed at 10,309.24

                          78. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel

                          79. Restarted the nuclear non-proliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols

                          80. Provided attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles.

                          81. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters

                          82. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy

                          83. Unveiled a program on Earth Day 2009 to develop the renewable energy projects on the waters of our Outer Continental Shelf that produce electricity from wind, wave, and ocean currents. These regulations will enable, for the first time ever, the nation to tap into our ocean?s vast sustainable resources to generate clean energy in an environmentally sound and safe manner.

                          84. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program

                          85. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards

                          86. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced

                          87. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job

                          88. The FDA is now regulating tobacco

                          89. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date.

                          90. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010

                          91. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying

                          92. The ?secret detention? facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed

                          93. US financial and banking rescue plan

                          94. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast

                          95. . Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system.

                          96. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office

                          97. Improved relations with Iran

                          98. Improved U.S. policy on climate change

                          99. Set timetable for exiting Iraq (already started removing troops)

                          100. Improved relations with Russia

                          101. Improved relations with the Islamic World

                          102. Made progress towards greater cooperation on limiting nuclear proliferation

                          103. Economic stimulus plan has created jobs. (Unemployment rate decreasing)

                          104. Drastically slowed down the recession

                          105. Saved Wall Street

                          106. Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act (equal work for equal pay) Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          107. HEALTHCARE REFORM

                          108. Ordered the military operation that killed Osama Bin Laden


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                            Originally posted by Gibbolamappa View Post
                            Guarda, Ron Paul ha alcune idee che a me piacciono molto e non da ora ma da anni, prima che diventasse l'idolo dei cospiratori di ogni genere.
                            Ma e' un pazzo lunatico che sosteneva che il sudafrica dovesse passare attraverso un olocausto per creare uno stato bianco, che gli stati uniti dovevano fare la stessa cosa, che la CIA e' il principale distributore di droghe negli USA, per non parlare delle sue insensate posizioni sulla amministrazione della giustizia e del governo in genere.

                            C'e' uan ragione per la quale non sara' eletto e non e' colpa degli illuminati, di Goldman Sachs, della casta o qualsiasi cosa vogliate chiamarla...

                            Di sicuro io lo metterei agli esteri, cosi' ci liberiamo di quel tumore che e' la relazione USA-Israele.
                            Dove, come e quando - e sarei felice di avere delucidazioni sul dicorso giustizia e governo.

                            Lo viene eletto perche va contro lo status quo -e lo status quo e' dominato da determinati interessi economici - tutto qui


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                              Originally posted by Foglio View Post
                              What the fuck has Obama done so far?

                              1. Saved the collapse of the American automotive industry by making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry
                              provvedimenti emanati dall'aministrazione bush, ratificati dall'amministrazione obama. E tra le altre cose ha permesso che fiat assumesse il controllo di chrysler. cosa positiva per noi, meno per l'automotive made in us.

                              2. Shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along
                              mmm non ho capito cosa sia di preciso questo punto.. ? un buon proposito di fatto.

                              3. Relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world
                              ahaha e come si quantifica tutto ci??

                              4. Signed order to close the prisoner ?torture camp? at Guantanamo Bay
                              chiaramente non si fa menzione del fatto che tale provvedimento che prevedeva la chiusura della prigione nel 2010 (? ancora aperta) sia stato in seguito annullato per cause di interesse nazionale

                              5. Has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation
                              facts and figures, non buoni propositi per cortesia

                              6. Has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part.
                              dire ai bambini che devono fare la loro parte. geniale.

                              7. Won the Nobel Peace Prize
                              ahahahahahaah non si sta parlando di quanto di buono ha fatto? il nobel per la pace, come si evince chiaramente dalle motivazioni date dalla giuria, ? stato dato PER I BUONI PROPOSITI della CAMPAGNA ELETTORALE. e pensare che solo pochi giorni prima un raid aereo in pakistan ammazzava qualcosa come 200 civili

                              8. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
                              piano economico. si ok... il piano ? una cosa i risultati un'altra. anche berlusconi aveva tanti buoni propositi

                              9. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
                              queste sono le cose che fanno la differenza

                              10. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
                              ecco la prima e finora unica cosa sensata. ma andiamo avanti con gli altri punti

                              11. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans
                              cosa tra l'altro promossa da tutti i presidenti prima di lui e sempre tra l'altro.. cosa tipicamente REPUBBLICANA. cosa non si fa per raccattare i voti. comunque non mi pare una cosa che lo distingua.

                              12. Renewed dialogue with NATO and other allies and partners on strategic issues.
                              mmm si.. in che termini? la questione pakistan come ? stata gestita di preciso?

                              13. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force? this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
                              ecco qua.. il presidente pacifista, quello che riporta la pace nel mondo raddoppia il piano di modernizzazione del comparto militare iniziato da bush jr. dove sarebbe al discontinuit? col guerrafondaio?

                              14. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
                              ahahahahah un provedimento importante.. e sicuramente voluto da obama, noto per la sua esperienza nell'esercito e consapevole quindi delle esigenze pratiche delle truppe

                              15. ?Cash for clunkers? program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulates auto sales
                              secondo punto positivo. andiamo avanti

                              16. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
                              ahaha quindi? vogliamo dimenticare che sia in iraq che in afghanista il contingente americano ? aumentato in modo considerevole dal 2008 a oggi?

                              17. Closed offshore tax safe havens
                              si, ha fatto l'equivalente di uno scudo fiscale per far rientrare i capitali

                              18. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
                              eccolo qua... per l'appunto. in pefetta continuit? con l'amministrazione bush

                              19. Ended media ?blackout? on war casualties; reporting full information
                              si, come ad esempio i civili ammazzati in pakistan. cosa di cui anche l'europa sembra non accorgersi. a quanto pare la full information di cui si parla ? molto fool e poco full.

                              20. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
                              argomento che non conosco a sufficienza.

                              21. . Ended media blackout on war casualties and the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB.
                              si vabbeh si duplicano pure... se ripeto 100 volte la stessa cosa..

                              22. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
                              ma questo che vuol dire? niente, niente di niente. si parla di cose non quantificabili in nessun modo. si parla di atteggiamenti rispetto a determinati temi.. mi fa piacere.. ora la food and drugs administration ? tutelata.. ma de che?

                              23. Ended previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
                              provvedimento a favore di chi? delle assicurazioni mediche. il risparmio non ? per il governo federale. e il tutto ? comunque da dimostrare.

                              24. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
                              mmm boh.. e che ?? un provvedimento de che?

                              25. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created 2.1 million jobs (as of 12/31/09).
                              aggiornamento third quarter 2011: dall'approvazione del piano, salvati o creati da 0,5 a 3 milioni di posti di lavoro. prospettiva molti diversa dai 2.1 posti creati (o salvati) in soli 10 mesi.

                              26. Ended previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
                              provvedimenti a carico degli stati. non a caso inizi? per prima la california

                              27. Ended previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
                              protezionismo 100%. positivo o negativo? ai posteri l'ardua sentenza

                              28. Ended previous policy on torture; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards
                              mai avuta una politica che autorizzasse esplicitamente la tortura. formalmente la convenzione di ginevra ? sempre stata rispettata.. formalmente..

                              29. . Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, an unprecedented step to provide transparency and accountability through technology.
                              interessante e potenzialmente utile per evitare sprechi, questo si.

                              30. Ended previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry?s predatory practices
                              qua si continua a parlare, di pratiche e atteggiamenti.. dove sono i provvedimenti?

                              31. Ended previous ?stop-loss? policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
                              questi sono per lo pi? affari dell'esercito

                              32. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources
                              questa si una cosa importante. ora andando avanti spero anche di trovare i provvedimenti per la costruzione di decine di nuove centrale nucleari, approvati a fine 2011.

                              33. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
                              un po' come monti che commissaria un paese gi? commissariato dando l'incarico a bondi di tagliare le spese.

                              34. Established a new cyber security office
                              ? un bene o un male? praticamente un potenziamento della sorveglianza sui cittadini "qualunque cosa tu faccia io ti sorveglio"

                              35. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

                              36. Expanding vaccination programs

                              37. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses
                              mmm quindi ahahahahah.. le famiglie dei caduti hanno dei costi. ok. mi fa piacere.

                              38. . Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to America?s Veterans.
                              altro provvedimento tipicamente repubblicano.

                              39. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
                              questo ? molto importante

                              40. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
                              non una priorit? e non una novit?

                              41. Responded with compassion and leadership to the earthquake in Haiti
                              questa ? addirittura scandalosa. tra le cose positive si mette anche il modo in cui ha reagito al pratica conta come ci si presenta davanti alle telecamere. allora anche bush di fronte allo tsunami aveva fatto del bene..

                              42. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters
                              american guard

                              43. . Launched ? enabling conversation and online collaboration between small business owners, government representatives and industry experts in discussion forums relevant to starting and managing a business. Great for the economy.
                              si beh... non mi sembra una novit? clamorosa... segue numerosi provvedimenti atti al supporto dell'iniziativa individuale.. non capisco dove sia la grande novit?

                              44. Improved housing for military personnel
                              segue il potenziamento del comparto militare. pacifista, non c'? che dire.

                              45. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals
                              bla bla.. che palle ste cose pro veterani.

                              46. Changed failing war strategy in Afghanistan.
                              ed ? la quarta volta che si ripete

                              47. Improving benefits for veterans

                              48. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants?) after years of neglect
                              eh beh se stampo denaro, da spendere ce ne ho anche io

                              49. Donated his $1.4 million Nobel Prize to nonprofits.
                              ci mancherebbe altro.

                              50. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
                              a dire il vero ? stato creato da clinton e ampliato da bush... dal 2007 non viene modificato e quanto alle "nuove opportunit?" quali sarebbero?

                              51. Provided tax credits to first-time home buyers through the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 to revitalize the U.S. housing market.

                              52. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
                              e ancora si parla di comparto militare potenziato o comunque beneficiato di vari provvedimenti.

                              53. Increasing student loans
                              mah.. mi sa che sono cose che non decide il governo federale

                              54. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return ?home? to visit loved ones
                              mai nessuno ha vietato ai cubani di andare a cuba. se mai ? il contrario

                              55. Cracked down on companies that deny sick pay, vacation and health insurance to workers by abusing the employee classification of independent contractor. Such companies also avoid paying Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance taxes for those workers.
                              fa rispettare la legge. ma dove sarebbero i riscontri?

                              56. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000
                              boh non so come fosse prima

                              57. Limits on lobbyists? access to the White House
                              si beh lui stesso ? uno strumento delle lobby

                              58. Protected 300,000 education jobs, such as teachers, principals, librarians, and counselors through the Recovery Act that would have otherwise been lost.
                              fa parte di cose gi? dette (i posti di lavoro salvati o creati)

                              59. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration
                              gi? detto

                              60. Children?s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act on February 4, 2009, provides quality health care to 11 million kids ? 4 million who were previously uninsured.
                              gi? detto (schip)

                              61. Lower drug costs for seniors

                              62. Making more loans available to small businesses
                              anche qua si parla di atteggiamenti, senza riscontri pratici

                              63. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration
                              pi? conferenze stampa!! bene!

                              64. . Signed the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act, the first piece of comprehensive legislation aimed at improving the lives of Americans living with paralysis
                              si era nei programmi da met? 2008

                              65. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans
                              ANCORA SULL'AFGHANISTAN!!!

                              66. Announced creation of a Joint Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record for members of the U.S. Armed Forces to improve quality of medical care.
                              vabbeh.. questo fa di lui un grande presidente

                              67. New federal funding for science and research labs
                              questo ? importante

                              68. New funds for school construction
                              sono per lo pi? strutture private

                              69. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending
                              e quindi?

                              70. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices
                              ancora.. cosa ripetuta al punto 69 e diverse altre volte..

                              71. . Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals.
                              questo non mi risulta.

                              72. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren?t even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
                              ristrutturazione dell'esercito, chiss? come mai c'? l'omissis che riguarda l'acquisto di armi pi? recenti

                              73. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

                              74. Provided tax credit to workers thus cutting taxes for 95% of America's working families.
                              attenzione al debito pubblico barak!!

                              75. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
                              e ancora a ripetere cose gi? incluse in altri punti

                              76. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research
                              questo ? importantissimo

                              77. . Helped reverse a downward spiral of the stock market. On January 19, 2009, the last day of President Bush's presidency, the Dow closed at 8,218.22. In February 2010, the Dow closed at 10,309.24
                              non centra un beneamato ***** obama, cosi come non centrava bush prima

                              78. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
                              per facilitare i trattati in medio oriente

                              79. Restarted the nuclear non-proliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols
                              tant'? che poi si ? optato per l'apertura di nuove centrali

                              80. Provided attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles.
                              sar? la milionesima volta che leggo sta cosa in questi punti

                              81. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters
                              se vabbeh.

                              82. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy

                              83. Unveiled a program on Earth Day 2009 to develop the renewable energy projects on the waters of our Outer Continental Shelf that produce electricity from wind, wave, and ocean currents. These regulations will enable, for the first time ever, the nation to tap into our ocean?s vast sustainable resources to generate clean energy in an environmentally sound and safe manner.
                              i risultati ancora non si vedono.

                              84. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program
                              non mi sembra una cosa buona o cattiva..

                              85. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards
                              boh, praticamente deregulation

                              86. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced
                              e ancora sta cosa... ma ? possibile che la maggior parte di questi punti siano ripetizioni?

                              87. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job
                              ahahaahahahahahahahha si ? tutto merito di obama!!

                              88. The FDA is now regulating tobacco

                              89. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date.

                              90. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
                              soldi messi poi da qualche altra parte nell'esercito

                              91. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying

                              92. The ?secret detention? facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed
                              cosa iniziata da ormai pi? di 10 anni.

                              93. US financial and banking rescue plan
                              fantastico, miliardi di dollari a fondo perduto

                              94. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast
                              si ha deciso obama

                              95. . Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system.
                              in compenso il risparmio l'ha ampiamente reinvestito per potenziare la difesa

                              96. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office
                              e chissenefrega

                              97. Improved relations with Iran
                              ahahahahahahahaahahah siiii certo!! vanno d'amore e d'accordo!! ? da quattro anni che obama minaccia bombardamenti a tappeto se non interrompono il programma nucleare

                              98. Improved U.S. policy on climate change
                              ha migliorato la politica americana sui cambiamenti climatici. eh? e cosa vuoldire "migliorata"?

                              99. Set timetable for exiting Iraq (already started removing troops)
                              already started COSA???? ma se il contingente americano ? AUMENTATO!!! e poi il timetable era stato fissato dal bush e posticipato da obama

                              100. Improved relations with Russia
                              ma quando mai?

                              101. Improved relations with the Islamic World
                              in che film?

                              102. Made progress towards greater cooperation on limiting nuclear proliferation
                              si vede...

                              103. Economic stimulus plan has created jobs. (Unemployment rate decreasing)
                              E ANCORA SI RIPETE!!

                              104. Drastically slowed down the recession
                              stampa anche tu denaro! vedrai come diventer? carta straccia!

                              105. Saved Wall Street
                              si proprio obama ha salvato wall street

                              106. Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act (equal work for equal pay) Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              107. HEALTHCARE REFORM
                              questa ? la bufala del millenio

                              108. Ordered the military operation that killed Osama Bin Laden
                              infatti, solo obama poteva farlo. buahahahahah
                              visto e considerato che su 108 punti elencati, almeno 20 sono duplicati, 40 sono intenti non realizzati, 15 sono palesemente falsi (parliamo di pace, nucleare e ritiro delle truppe?) e qualcuno ? positivo (pochi a dire il vero).. ora vorrei capire chi ha redatto questi 108 punti (ovviamente un suo accanito fan, una persona obiettiva avrebbe redatto probabilmente una lista di fallimenti di obama).. sono sempre pi? perplesso.


                              • Font Size
                                Originally posted by Vulture View Post
                                visto e considerato che su 108 punti elencati, almeno 20 sono duplicati, 40 sono intenti non realizzati, 15 sono palesemente falsi (parliamo di pace, nucleare e ritiro delle truppe?) e qualcuno ? positivo (pochi a dire il vero).. ora vorrei capire chi ha redatto questi 108 punti (ovviamente un suo accanito fan, una persona obiettiva avrebbe redatto probabilmente una lista di fallimenti di obama).. sono sempre pi? perplesso.
                                Ma poi, a che cazzo te ne frega??? Non sei manco americano, ma che tutto sto astio per Obama??? Cos'?, non fa parte della tua squadra del cuore??? :asd:

